What is a Spiritual Healing?

All humans are spirits in a body. This means there's two components to us being alive; a spiritual or soul essence and a physical, corporeal structure which the soul resides in. Wellness comes to our physical body when both the spirit and body are in alignment and working together.
All matter is made up of energy vibrating at different rates; the human body is no different. Our body vibrates at a rate so slow that the physical manifestation of form is visible.
However, all illness, disease, depression and any other challenge affecting the human body and soul starts as an energy. When energy is affecting the spirit, it impacts the body in various ways, from depression to illness, to just feeling "off".
As a spiritual healer and psychic, this energy is visible to me using my clairvoyance, and other spiritual gifts.
A spiritual healing simply focuses on the energy affecting the spirit in the body receiving the healing. Changes can be made very quickly, and allow the body to regain harmony and wellness.
Using various spiritual healing techniques such as cord cutting, deprogramming, moving out foreign energy and entities, and bringing in Christ Force energy, as well as working with the angels, archangels and ascended masters such as Jesus and Quan Yin, the client receives a gentle non-invasive healing on a energy level to relieve whatever symptoms are affecting their physical body. You do not need to have any religious belief or affiliation to receive a spiritual healing, simply the desire to release whatever is not working for you and causing you pain. These healings work on physical issues as well as emotional issues and complement all types of medical treatments being received by the client.
Healings can be done in person, over the phone or on skype. You can also request a healing for a loved one not capable of booking for themselves (such as a patient in a coma). Please try to get verbal permission when booking for another person whenever possible.
All matter is made up of energy vibrating at different rates; the human body is no different. Our body vibrates at a rate so slow that the physical manifestation of form is visible.
However, all illness, disease, depression and any other challenge affecting the human body and soul starts as an energy. When energy is affecting the spirit, it impacts the body in various ways, from depression to illness, to just feeling "off".
As a spiritual healer and psychic, this energy is visible to me using my clairvoyance, and other spiritual gifts.
A spiritual healing simply focuses on the energy affecting the spirit in the body receiving the healing. Changes can be made very quickly, and allow the body to regain harmony and wellness.
Using various spiritual healing techniques such as cord cutting, deprogramming, moving out foreign energy and entities, and bringing in Christ Force energy, as well as working with the angels, archangels and ascended masters such as Jesus and Quan Yin, the client receives a gentle non-invasive healing on a energy level to relieve whatever symptoms are affecting their physical body. You do not need to have any religious belief or affiliation to receive a spiritual healing, simply the desire to release whatever is not working for you and causing you pain. These healings work on physical issues as well as emotional issues and complement all types of medical treatments being received by the client.
Healings can be done in person, over the phone or on skype. You can also request a healing for a loved one not capable of booking for themselves (such as a patient in a coma). Please try to get verbal permission when booking for another person whenever possible.
30 Minute Spiritual Healing
Various healing techniques will be employed to custom-fit whatever issue the client would like a healing on. Generally time to work on up to three issues