I have commited to finding more peace, serenity, joy and abundance in my life, but when I openeed that door, I had very little idea about what that would entail.
Through bankruptcy, the dissolution of a business, a physical move, gut-wrenching lack, and a myriad of other challenges, my life has slowly shifted to the point where I woke up this morning with my heart overflowing with gratitude at all the abundance that surrounds me at this present moment of time.
Everything is shifting, changing and moving and it feels very good, but also sometimes very scary. But I know in my heart if I just stay centered and grounded I will flow through these changes effortlessly. It feels like I'm on those moving stairs in a Harry Potter movie, where all of the sudden the staircases start moving and rearranging themselves while Harry is in the process of ascending them. Notice in the movie, he doesn't bat an eye, but stays still until the moving stops, and then continues up the stairs!
When I am in the midst of turmoil, I close my eyes and look at all the abundance surrounding me, and I am amazed at how rich my life is. I feel so blessed! I am so in love with my life now and the people in it! I am amazed at the riches that surround me: baskets full of lush ripe heirloom organic tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, peppers of all flavors and Asian eggplants, hanging heavy from the bush like little Christmas tree ornaments, emerald-green zucchinis, fresh herbs and rich golden olive oil drizzled over it all, sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper to add a little spice.
All this set within a heavenly setting of bright colorful flowers, dancing butterflies and darting hummingbirds. My little pond is filled with jewel-toned koi fish, and my sweet little puppy Dooly is right by my side, tugging at my bathrobe this morning wanting a little love and attention. The love of my life is asleep in the next room, safe and healthy.
I am so blessed by the Grace of God that surrounds me in all these instances, it makes me want to weep with gratitude as I look back at the mine-field I've walked across. Life really is a miracle and I open my arms to embrace it fully, to savor the rich textures, smells, colors and flavors all snuggled with in this moment in time.
I love my gentle morning ritual of going within, and tapping into my inner source, my voice and validating these experiences by writing them down. When I hit that inevitable turbulence, I have proof things were absolutely 100% wonderful not just a few short hours or days previously. I wrote it down right in the midst of experiencing it! It must be true since I was feeling it at the time because there it is in black and white right on the page in front of me!
When those trying times come and the worry starts to creep back in, I can read those words and know that peace and tranquility will be mine again soon enough. I simply need to sit still and find the eye of the hurricane where stillness resides, and take no action until the storm has passed. And just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I am able to stand up, dust myself off, push away the wreckage surrounding me, and step back into my sparkling clear world again, grateful I am unharmed in any way, that the fear has passed and I am safe.
When I know this is how it always works out, it is easier to be still while the hurricane is ravaging my life. A rainbow always appears after the storm.