What Does Success Mean To You?

Several years ago, I consciously set out to downshift my life, moving into a lower gear so as to more fully find the pleasure in living. I have been self-employed for thirteen years, creating several businesses from scratch, and then striving to make them successful in the accepted fashion; creating lots of money. But the day to day struggle was slowly killing me, robbing me of joy and simple pleasures, like going out to dinner with friends because I was always too busy working to stop and spend some of my precious time doing something that wasn’t directly related to my business.
The madness of striving but never achieving what I thought I was supposed to finally resulted in me declaring bankruptcy. At that point, I knew there had to be something more, and I consciously started a journey of self-healing and a life review, seeking to find on a spiritual level what I couldn’t find on a physical level.
As a psychic, I see now that success is so much more than the material gain and financial prosperity commonly associated with that term. Success for me is waking up with a song in my heart, with an excitement about what the day will bring me; what opportunities, what insights, what little pleasures might fall into my lap, like seeing a butterfly or a hummingbird, getting a phone call from a friend I haven’t spoken with for a while, eating a delicious sandwich for lunch, or the touch of my boyfriend’s hand on mine as we sit and watch TV at the end of a busy day.
Success means feeling happy and grateful to be in the moment, completely in present time, of this world, but not in it. To be neutral enough to watch the wonders around me and enjoy them, but not have to do anything about it, except enjoy it.
My previous life was like being in a speeding car, watching life zoom past me but never getting the chance to enjoy it. When I consciously chose to slow things down, my life became richer, fuller, and much more satisfying. I took time to enjoy playtime with loved ones and to sample the delights that being human had to offer. I was able to shift from “Living to Work” to “Working to Live”.
Doing the deep soul-searching and self-inventory of what my life had become opened a doorway for me to see that all I really wanted was to be happy and to feel safe in shining my authentic light, speaking my voice and my truth, and being loved and appreciated by those around me no matter what.
Several years now into this spiritual journey of accessing my clairvoyance to achieve this dream, I can truly say I am successful. My life is a gentle balance of discovering new things to explore and create, of enjoying being alive on the deepest level, Connectedness resonates in all my activities now, and having the time to play and laugh and savor the people and experiences that come into my life, with no rush, no worry and no fear is so satisfying, I can’t imagine it any other way now.
I may not have a huge balance in my bank account, but I have enough to meet my needs with some extra left over to share and to play with. On the deepest spiritual level, that is the definition of success for me.