I was lying in my bed talking with one of my friends, sharing some deep felt spiritual truths that I had discovered for myself during this past year, 2012.
I was enjoying the chat; she's one of my closest friends and one of the few people I share personal spiritual experiences with. I felt warm, safe, and so happy to be talking with her. She was sharing some of what she had been up to since we last talked when my eye was caught by a shimmering light in the corner of my bedroom. I glanced at it briefly, but didn't think too much about it. I was listening to her talk, but my attention kept being drawn back to this shimmering light. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, and I kept looking and looking, and slowly realized there was an angel there, very large, almost reaching the ceiling, with wings up-spread. I could only see the outline of the body but the aura of wings and the bright white shimmering light was very visible and mesmerizing. I couldn't look away.
I had stopped listening by this point and was completely enchanted by what I was seeing. I wasn't afraid, I just felt this deep sense of awe and peace. I needed to pull my attention away from this beautiful sight and pay attention to my friend again but I couldn't. I finally interrupted her and said, "I'm sorry, I really want to hear what you're saying, but I have to share something with you!"
She wasn't offended at all and just asked what it was, and I told her, "There's an angel in my room! I'm looking at it with my eyes wide open, and it's just shimmering there. I can't tell if it's male or female, it looks a little androgynous but the wings are spread out and shining, like an aura around it's body!" As I continued to talk, the angel became more clear and I knew without a doubt it was Archangel Michael, and I told her that.
She sort of gasped in, and said, "You're not gonna believe this, but as I've been talking, I'm looking at this old photo of my great uncle who was a police officer in the 1930s. He's sitting with about 25 other police officers in an official station photo!" She had also been talking about his experiences during the 1906 San Francisco earth quake when this vision happened.
Now Archangel Michael is the patron saint of police officers and firemen. He keeps them safe, and gives them the courage to help protect the community they work in. He also gives spiritual healers and lightworkers the courage to speak their truth and shine their light, to help bring peace and healing to the world.
So the fact that Archangel Michael showed up to me in this fully visible form during this conversation just blows me away and reaffirms my faith that angels are always around us. I feel tremendously blessed to have seen this and to be able to share it with my friend, and while I know it sounds nuts, its the total truth and I had to share it with you, my readers.
As a clairvoyant, I see angels and other divine beings such as Jesus and Mother Mary often during my readings. Usually they're in my mind's eye, like a movie or a picture. I do my readings with my eyes closed so I can see my client's energy and not be distracted by physical surroundings. It's not scary or weird; it's actually pretty cool. 8 out of 10 Americans believe in angels, and the number doesn't surprise me at all.
We just never hear people talk about their experiences because it's not acceptable to admit this sort of stuff. People will think you're crazy right? But I was so enchanted and felt so safe during this experience I knew I had to share it! It was so inspiring, and both of us felt so validated, I know this was a New Year's Day gift from God. I often ask my angels, especially Archangel Michael, for help and guidance during the day. And while I don't usually "see" them, I know they're around because I usually will get some strong knowing to take a certain action.
Angels are among us, and usually we don't get the privilege of knowing they're there, helping us in some way. But know they're always there, even if you don't see them. Next time a stranger offers to help you in some way, maybe open the door for you or offer to hold a package for you while you search for your keys, know it could be an angel, answering your unspoken prayer for help. It's ok to believe in angels, even if you're a punk rocker like me. It's human nature to search for a higher Divine source of help, protection and guidance and by letting yourself have faith angels are around you, you will notice your life shifting in miraculous ways. They want to help, but because of free will, they can't unless you ask them to help or be with you.
Just for today, suspend your rational thought and believe you are surrounded by these Divine loving helpful beings. Be as a little child and believe! If nothing else, its fun to imagine, and as adults, we don't often allow ourselves this luxury.