Swirling around me were little pieces of all the stuff I wanted for myself in my life: financial stability, love, meaningful relationships, peace, harmony, a career that made my heart sing, making a difference in the world, health, wellness, balance, magic, miracles and gifts of wonder and delight....
The list went on and on, and I could see each piece spinning around and around me, floating in the air above, below and every where I looked. And suddenly, I saw the image of me reaching my hand out and plucking one of those pieces right out of thin air, and placing it on a table next to me.
I laughed with delight and reached and grabbed and placed those pieces, one right after the other, no limits, no fear, no worries, just grabbing and placing each piece until I could see a picture was forming, like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. And that picture was the life I dreamed of creating for myself. As I grabbed each piece, I slowly came back to earth and stopped spinning, no longer dizzy with wanting and reaching. I was grounded.
I had the power, I had the ability. All I had to do was see it, imagine it, reach out and take it, and add it to the puzzle. That was the message.
I woke up from this dream knowing this is exactly how one goes about creating the life one dreams of: you simply have to be grounded, and clear in what you want, picture it in your head and go for it.
We are all born with wings, with the ability to fly high and shine bright. We simply have to reach out and take it with joy and love and certainty in our hearts.